Friday, October 24, 2008

Safe Cleaning Products

So, last year for Christmas I had a strange request...The "Get Clean" starter kit, by Shaklee. My husband couldn't believe I wanted cleaning products as my gift, but I knew they were going to be a little pricey and I couldn't justify buying them. I've now used up almost the entire kit, but there are a few of the products that I loved, and can now just purchase them singly, which is a lot cheaper. Everything is environmentally friendly and safe to use around the of chemicals, etc. The laundry detergent and fabric softener were #1 on my list. They smelled wonderfully and I felt great knowing that I wasn't putting a lot of chemicals into my clothing. I also love the dish detergent,dish soap, and hand wash. I didn't quite feel like the other products were doing the job. Bathrooms need some strong cleaners, in my opinion, but it was worth trying them all so that I know which ones to purchase now.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Produce Spray

Some time ago, I watched an episode of "Oprah" that really caught my attention. Ever since seeing it, I haven't eaten a piece of produce without wishing I had used this spray. I am now in the process of making it, and hope it will help me to have greater health! Here is some things I found interesting from the show and the recipe for the spray:

(Sophie Uliano, author of Gorgeously Green.)

Everyone can become environmentally conscious just by taking small steps, Sophie says. "For me, green isn't extreme," she says. "There's shades of green. … You pick your shade."

One of the major myths of going green is that you have to buy all organic fruits and vegetables. It's not true—and sometimes it's just not always possible. Still, Sophie says there are a few items you want to buy organic as often as you can "because they're the most heavily sprayed."

Look for organic raisins, potatoes, green beans, cucumbers and strawberries. Can't find them organically? Make your own veggie spray with grapefruit seed extract—found at your local health food store—to help wash away any chemicals that could be on your fruit. Rinsing simply isn't enough. "All you do is spray it on the vegetables, leave it for 5 or 10 minutes and rinse them off, and you've got rid of a lot of pesticide residue," Sophie says.

If you can't buy organic produce, you need to make sure you wash it thoroughly. Use this spray to make sure your fruit and vegetables are squeaky clean.

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 20 drops grapefruit seed extract

Combine all ingredients in a large container. Then, transfer to a spray bottle with a pump. Spray mixture on produce, and rinse thoroughly after 5 to 10 minutes.
*Grapefruit seed extract is available at your local health food store.


I have recently added a couple of new house plants to my home. Plants are known to improve air quality, but I am surprised at how much more they are doing for me. It is just so nice to have a living and growing thing around (in addition to people). The feel of our living space just seems to have improved somehow.


So, I've been a big fan of this author for some time now, and just recently picked up this book again. I haven't read any of her books from cover to cover yet, but I occasionally select a chapter that is pertinent to what I need to know at any given time. She is incredible! Bringing in all aspects of health into one great resource. "This book is for all who believe that it is possible to live our lives fully regardless of our present or past circumstances...It is for those who know that our healing will not be complete until we bring the sacred back into our daily lives." (Northrup) You can pick this book up at Sam's club for 10 bucks...or maybe find it cheaper online, but it is a must have on my book shelf!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Product #1

I realize this product will only appeal to a numbered crowd, but it is definitely worth sharing! If you or anyone you know is dealing with pregnancy related nausea...try this! It took about 4 days to start working for me, but has saved me from many trips to the bathroom. It is a healthy and natural way to fend off the morning sickness woes. (Contains: Vit.B6, ginger, raspberry leaf, and folic acid.) It can be found at most health foods stores.

Here goes!

Lately, I have needed an outlet...somewhere to vent and share things I feel passionately about. That is why I have decided to start this blog. It is going to be "everything natural"! Whenever I come across a product, therapy, exercise, or anything that helps to make a happier and healthier me...I'm going to share it with you! Within the last 4 years, I have become increasingly intrigued by all that we can learn from nature and from our own bodies! We all have healing to do, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, and it is my hope that you will be inspired and blessed by the things posted here. Topics will range from natural childbirth to the benefits of coconut oil...who knows what great things I'll stumble upon! There are so many ways to "Go Natural"!

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