Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Produce Spray

Some time ago, I watched an episode of "Oprah" that really caught my attention. Ever since seeing it, I haven't eaten a piece of produce without wishing I had used this spray. I am now in the process of making it, and hope it will help me to have greater health! Here is some things I found interesting from the show and the recipe for the spray:

(Sophie Uliano, author of Gorgeously Green.)

Everyone can become environmentally conscious just by taking small steps, Sophie says. "For me, green isn't extreme," she says. "There's shades of green. … You pick your shade."

One of the major myths of going green is that you have to buy all organic fruits and vegetables. It's not true—and sometimes it's just not always possible. Still, Sophie says there are a few items you want to buy organic as often as you can "because they're the most heavily sprayed."

Look for organic raisins, potatoes, green beans, cucumbers and strawberries. Can't find them organically? Make your own veggie spray with grapefruit seed extract—found at your local health food store—to help wash away any chemicals that could be on your fruit. Rinsing simply isn't enough. "All you do is spray it on the vegetables, leave it for 5 or 10 minutes and rinse them off, and you've got rid of a lot of pesticide residue," Sophie says.

If you can't buy organic produce, you need to make sure you wash it thoroughly. Use this spray to make sure your fruit and vegetables are squeaky clean.

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 20 drops grapefruit seed extract

Combine all ingredients in a large container. Then, transfer to a spray bottle with a pump. Spray mixture on produce, and rinse thoroughly after 5 to 10 minutes.
*Grapefruit seed extract is available at your local health food store.


Natelli Johnston said...

Katy this is so cool! good job. I had no idea about that spray.

Heidi Kjar said...

Cool Katy. I love this new blog of yours- such a neat idea. I wish I would have known about that morning sickness pill earlier!

Doreen said...

Cool. Add carrots, tomatoes, apples, and grapes to must buy organic. They are loaded with chemicals. Also, as a thought, organic isn't just about your health. It's about safer and more environmentally friendly farming practices, as well. Of course, organic can be expensive, and isn't always available. And buying local has its own benefits, even if it means not certified organic. Anyway, going off on a tangent. Love your new blog! :o)

Steve&Melissa said...

LOVE it! I am definitely going to use this!

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