Thursday, October 2, 2008

Product #1

I realize this product will only appeal to a numbered crowd, but it is definitely worth sharing! If you or anyone you know is dealing with pregnancy related nausea...try this! It took about 4 days to start working for me, but has saved me from many trips to the bathroom. It is a healthy and natural way to fend off the morning sickness woes. (Contains: Vit.B6, ginger, raspberry leaf, and folic acid.) It can be found at most health foods stores.


Lindsey said...

Katie, I think your blog is an excellent idea. You are always so upbeat and positive. For me ALL exercise is my natural healing tonic. It takes me to a place where I am naturally happier, more patient, and more confidant in myself. I am excited to see what else you write. PS This is Lindsey Corbridge/Maughan. (Hows that for being a blog stalker coming out in the open!) Oh and congrats on the child on the way!!!

Heidi Kjar said...

Katy! I love this idea. You have a talent for being natural, healthy, positive and all of that. This is so perfect for you to share it with others. I'll check it often to get good ideas!

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